"Hallmark holiday" is a disparaging term, used predominantly in the United States, to describe a holiday that is perceived to exist primarily for commercial purposes, rather than to commemorate a traditionally significant religious or secular event. Gift givers often feel pressured to give a gift on those days as told by advertisers or society that one is expected. Men are heavily marketed too near Valentine's Day by jewelry, chocolate, and other companies to give their products as gifts to the women in their life. (thanks wikipedia)
While I am one of the firm non believers in this holiday, my dad has always made a special effort to get me something, always opening my eyes to how lucky I am to have him in my life. This year was no different, flowers were the special surprise this year...

and beautiful flowers I might add!!
Thanks daddy!
Not only did I get flowers from my dad as a surprise, Marc ended up nothing being about to go visit his brother in Virginia so he spent his break from school with me! He came up on Saturday and left Tuesday afternoon. It was a nice change being able to have a face to face conversation with him about my day instead of having to talk on the phone or ichat. I could really get used to it! To bad is break is over, and it's back to reality for us :-( But it was fun while it lasted!
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