April 30, 2010

Email from mom

Kree and KK~
Some words of advice I read in Reader's Digest:

Be curious, ask questions, listen to the answers. 
Learn something new each day. 
Take risks, apologize, and forgive. 
Be kind, and embrace joy!

Life itself isn't fair. 
Get over it, and don't blame others.

Your kindness will be remembered much longer than your brilliance.

It's not how much money you make, it's how you manage the money you do make.


Choose your attitude each day: 
Own it, and don't let others determine your happiness.

Speak like an adult: drop wow, man, like from your vocabulary.

Expect more from yourself than you expect from others.

Always give 100% at work-then leave it at work, and give 100% at home.

Use good grammar, be at least 5 minutes early, sit up straight. 
Don't mumble.

Begin as you mean to go on.

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